How volunteering can help you and your community in more ways than you think!

What is volunteering?
Volunteering is the practice of donating your time and energy to a cause without monetary compensation. Unlike a job, you won’t be paid in money – but you will be paid in love!
First things first: what causes are important to you?
● City beautification
● Sustainability and environmentalism
● Access to food and shelter for houseless folks
● 2SLGBTQ+ community resources
● Support groups and crisis lines
Let’s say you have a passion for supporting homeless folks. Contact your local food bank and see if you can help them organize donations!
What do you want to get out of volunteering? What can you bring to the table?
Volunteering is a great way to:
● Build connections
● Serve your community
● Gain volunteer hours
● Get experience for future jobs
● Play a role in the future of your city
Maybe you’re not the best at organizing, but your food bank has the opportunity for you to make deliveries around town. If you have your license and access to a car, you bring a lot to the table in terms of resources!
What kinds of volunteering can I do?
● Food bank shifts (organizing/transporting food)
● Trash clean-ups (clearing beaches, parks, etc.)
● Campaigning (sign-making, communications)
● Fundraising (raising money for a cause)
● Crisis line operator or support staff
● Community center reception
● Event facilitation or organization
Maybe organizing or driving aren’t your jam. There are so many other ways you can support your community! Try helping with event planning at the local community center, organize a donation event, or host a clothing swap.
Volunteering is about more than fulfilling your high school volunteer hours, gaining experience for a job, or getting a new hobby.
Volunteering can help you build connections, be of service, and play a role in the future of your city. Not everything is about getting paid – and some of the best experiences are free!
Visit to find volunteer opportunities in your area!