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Writer's pictureShazia Peeran

5 Ways to Give Back During MLK Day

Volunteering is proven to make you happier! Why? Because it helps you build connections, combat isolation & depression, and give you a sense of purpose.

Here are 5 ways you can give back during MLK day & make an impact on your community (& your heart)!

1. Support local diversity groups!

In the spirit of MLK Day, it can be extremely fulfilling & a great act of service to support diversity groups in your area. Help organize an event with your local BLM chapter or buy books written by authors of color! Whether you choose direct action or another form of support, your work is important.

2. Build community!

In 1968, MLK said (and we’re paraphrasing here), “We’re meant to connect, as people and nations. Today’s world is one of geography, but we need to make it one of brotherhood” (TheBestSchools). Commit a few hours or a day to volunteering for local organizations that need your support. Not only will they be grateful for your presence, but you’ll feel a sense of purpose & joy!

3. Join the AmeriCorps MLK Day of Service!

Not sure where to start? Get in touch with AmeriCorps! Their MLK Day of Service site “connects volunteers with opportunities in their communities” (TheBestSchools), not only during January but throughout the year.

4. Donate Blood!

The American Red Cross is home to National Blood Donor Month every January. You can donate blood on MLK day to support the healthcare system, or join one of the MLK Day of Service events hosted by Red Cross.

5. Donate Your Money

Some notable organizations that take donations include The King Center, Global Giving & the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Supporting the POC in your life, community, and across the nation is a great way to show solidarity and redistribute your wealth to those who need it.

Which act of service will YOU choose this MLK Day?

Let us know in the comments & sign up as a group on to help your community today and every day.

Looking for ways to serve your community this January? Donate your time, money and resources this month to support Black Lives & the healthcare system.

Whether you choose to donate money to The King Center, donate time to a BLM action, or donate blood to The American Red Cross, your work is important and does not go unnoticed.

We thank you for your service as we remember the impact Dr. Martin Luther King had on our nation. Head to to sign up as a group and serve your community this MLK Day!


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